Gene Expression Nebulas
A data portal of transcriptomic profiles analyzed by a unified pipeline across multiple species

Gene Expression Nebulas

A data portal of transcriptome profiles across multiple species

PRJNA748746: X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency in 1% of men under 60 years with life-threatening COVID-19

Source: NCBI / GSE181787
Submission Date: Aug 10 2021
Release Date:
Update Date: Nov 10 2021

Summary: Autosomal inborn errors of type I IFN immunity and autoantibodies against these cytokines underlie at least 10% of critical COVID-19 pneumonia cases. We report very rare, biochemically deleterious X-linked TLR7 variants in 16 unrelated male individuals aged 7 to 71 years (mean: 36.7 years) from a cohort of 1,202 male patients aged 0.5 to 99 years (mean: 52.9 years) with unexplained critical COVID-19 pneumonia. None of the 331 asymptomatically or mildly infected male individuals aged 1.3 to 102 years (mean: 38.7 years) tested carry such TLR7 variants (p = 3.5 x 10-5). The phenotypes of five hemizygous relatives of index cases infected with SARS-CoV-2 include asymptomatic or mild infection (n=2, 5 and 38 years), or moderate (n=1, 5 years), severe (n=1, 27 years), or critical (n=1, 29 years) pneumonia. Two boys (aged 7 and 12 years) from a cohort of 262 male patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia (mean: 51.0 years) are hemizygous for a deleterious TLR7 variant. The cumulative allele frequency for deleterious TLR7 variants in the male general population is < 6.5x10-4. We also show that blood B-cell lines and myeloid cell subsets from the patients do not respond to TLR7 stimulation, a phenotype rescued by wild-type TLR7. The patients’ blood plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) produce low levels of type I IFNs in response to SARS-CoV-2. Overall, X-linked recessive TLR7 deficiency is a highly penetrant genetic etiology of critical COVID-19 pneumonia, in about 1.8% of male patients below the age of 60 years. Human TLR7 and pDCs are essential for protective type I IFN immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in the respiratory tract.

Overall Design: Type I IFN responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in TLR7-deficient pDCs

GEN Datasets:
Healthy Condition:
Cell Type:
Growth Protocol: -
Treatment Protocol: non-stimulated, CpG-C, SARS-CoV-2
Extract Protocol: RNeasy Micro kits
Library Construction Protocol: SMART-Seq® v4 PLUS Kit
Molecule Type: polyA(+) RNA
Library Source:
Library Layout: SINGLE
Library Strand: -
Platform: ILLUMINA
Instrument Model: Illumina NextSeq 500
Strand-Specific: Unspecific
Basic Information:
Sample Characteristic:
Biological Condition:
Experimental Variables:
Assessing Quality:
Data Resource GEN Sample ID GEN Dataset ID Project ID BioProject ID Sample ID Sample Name BioSample ID Sample Accession Experiment Accession Release Date Submission Date Update Date Species Race Ethnicity Age Age Unit Gender Source Name Tissue Cell Type Cell Subtype Cell Line Disease Disease State Development Stage Mutation Phenotype Case Detail Control Detail Growth Protocol Treatment Protocol Extract Protocol Library Construction Protocol Molecule Type Library Layout Strand-Specific Library Strand Spike-In Strategy Platform Instrument Model Cell Number Reads Number Gbases AvgSpotLen1 AvgSpotLen2 Uniq Mapping Rate Multiple Mapping Rate Coverage Rate
Associations of creatinine/cystatin C ratio and postoperative pulmonary complications in elderly patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: a retrospective study.
Scientific reports . 2021-08-19 [PMID: 34413410]