Mapping developmental hematopoiesis across stages, species and models

Core intrinsic regulatory model

TF Expression

The expression of the transcription factor (TF) that users are interested in, across three developmental stages in each species.




Stage highly enriched TFs

For each stage in the three species, TFs that had an average expression of more than 0.5 and were expressed in more than 25% of cells were regarded as highly enriched TFs of that stage for HSPCs.

Stage highly enriched TFs in AGM of Human

Gene Alias Type Species Summary

Stage-common key TFs

To identify both HSPC-specific and stage-common core TFs for each species, we initially compared HSPCs against other cell types in every hematopoietic stage to identify HSPC-specific TFs. Subsequently, the intersection of HSPC-specific TFs across three distinct developmental stages for each species was delineated as the set of HSPC-specific and stage-common core TFs.

Stage-common key TFs in Human

Gene Alias Type Species Summary

Stage-specific key TFs

Following the removal of stage-common core TFs for each species, we performed differential expression analysis on our constructed HSPC cross-stage atlas to identify HSPC differentially expressed TFs, termed as stage-specific TFs for HSPCs in each species.

Stage-specific TFs in AGM of Human

Gene Alias Type Species Summary

TF Degree Centrality

Degree centrality differs from expression level of TFs in that it measures how many direct connections between certain TFs and other genes in a gene regulatory network (GRN). A higher degree centrality indicates a greater importance of the TF within the GRN.

TF Degree Centrality in AGM of Human

Gene Cluster Degree All Degree Centrality All Degree In Degree Centrality In Degree Out Degree Centrality Out Betweenness Centrality Eigenvector Centrality Species

Gene Regulatory Network

After constructing TF-target gene networks of highly informative TFs, we visualized the regulatory relationships within the TF-target gene regulations using Cytoscape, where the thickness of the lines in the GRN indicates the absolute value of the regulatory strength.

Gene Regulatory Network in AGM of Human