American Cocker Spaniel Detail Information
General Information

iDog Breed Number: CB272
Original: United States
Energy Level: The American Cocker can exhibit considerable speed and endurance, and shows a keen inclination to work. Though Cockers started as gun dogs, most American Cockers enjoy life as loved and loving housepets. Exercise needs are moderate.
Good With Children: Yes
Good with other Dogs: Yes
Grooming: The silky coat needs frequent brushing. Some trimming is done on the head, throat and around the feet. Eyes and ears should be checked regularly and cleaned as necessary.
Height: 38 cm (male), 36cm (female)

Web Source Name: American Cocker Spaniel from CKC
Other Name: Cocker Spaniel (in USA);Cocker;Merry Cocker

Breed Registries
No Yes
No Yes
Associated Disease Information
There are no associated diseases
Associated SNP Information
There are no associated SNPs