The detail information of Hypoglycemia
Basic Information

Disease Description: A syndrome where the animal has an abnormally low blood glucose.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: Most common clinical signs of hypoglycemia are drowsiness, shivering, collapsing, disorientation, seizures, listlessness, depression, muscle weakness and tremors. Lee Weston, author of the article about hypoglycemia (Pomeranian Club of Canada) says that "the entire sequence of clinical signs is not always seen, so close observation of your pet and knowing when your dog is going into a distressed state can mean the difference between life and death of your dog. Immediate treatment by a veterinarian is imperative, as recurrence of, or prolonged attacks, can cause permanent damage to the brain."

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: -

Treat Method: -

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB72 Chinese Crested Lively, alert, and affectionate 27.9-33 cm 3.6-5.4 kg Africa, Mexico
CB97 English Springer Spaniel Friendly, playful, obedient at home; hardworking and steady in the field 50.8 cm (male), 48.3 cm (female) 22.7 kg (male), 18.1 kg (female) United Kingdom (England)
CB148 Lagotto Romagnolo(Romagna Water Dog) Easygoing, affectionate, and eager to please 43.2-48.3 cm (male), 40.6-45.7 cm (female) 12.9-15.9 kg (male), 10.9-14.1 kg (female) Italy
CB156 Manchester Terrier Spirited, bright, keenly observant; dead loyal, in an independent terrier way 38.1-40.6 cm 5.4-10 kg (standard) United Kingdom (England)
There are no references.