The detail information of Pigmentary keratitis
Basic Information

Disease Description: An inflammatory condition of the cornea characterized by abnormal pigmentation.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: Corneal pigment deposits result from pigmented cells from the peripheral tissues of the eye into the normally clear cornea.  It rests in deep epithelial layer and/or surface of the layer underlying it, the stroma. Brown color change to the corneal surface is present. The coloration can be more apparent in certain light conditions. Other signs of corneal inflammation can accompany the pigment, including blood vessels. The pigment can become so severe as to impair vision, especially when it involves the central cornea.

Disease Cause: Chronic irritation, from inward turning of the eyelid margins allowing hairs to rub on the corneal surface (entropion), poor blink response allowing exposure, chronic corneal ulceration, or diminished tear production allowing drying of the corneal surface can contribute to the condition.  In rare cases, even when the underlying cause has been corrected, pigment will continue to form. 

Disease Diagnose: Evaluation includes measurement of tear production, application of fluorescein stain and close examination of position of the eyelids, both at rest and when blinking.  Corneal sensitivity may be tested.  Photos may be taken to document current appearance.  Examinations over time are indicated to monitor for progression. 

Treat Method: Control of the underlying condition(s) is usually the first step, with some cases requiring eyelid surgery and other cases requiring tear stimulating medications.  In some cases, medications, such as Tacrolimus or Cyclosporine, are helpful to reduce pigmentation or prevent progression. 

Breeder Advice: Pigment is only rarely surgically removed, and only if it is significantly impairing vision, since these surgeries weaken the cornea, leave scarring, can have healing complications or recurrence of pigmentation. The pigmentation is likely to progress if the condition causing the pigment deposition is not successfully treated. Many pets need life-long, consistent medical treatment to prevent progressive damage.

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB179 Pembroke Welsh Corgi Smart and alert, affectionate but not pushy, bold but kindly. 25.4-30.5 cm up to 13.6 kg (male), up to 12.7 kg (female) United Kingdom(Wales)
CB197 Hungarian Puli Loyal, smart, home-loving; strong-willed but trainable 43.2 cm (male), 40.6 cm (female) 11.3-15.9 kg Hungary
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