Part1: Gene Information
The cancer module summarizes DNA methylation biomarkers with accurate genomic information via WGBS data to enhance the potential application of cancer DNA methylation research in clinical settings.
Step1: Choose cancer type
Search cancer by name
Step 2: Choose gene
Search gene by ID
Search gene by symbol
Part2: DMRs with queried gene
Gene ID | Gene symbol | Chromosome | Start position | End position | Length | Annotation | Distance to TSS | P-value | Differential methylation value | Cancer methylation level | Normal methylation level | Cancer type |
Part3: DMRs annotation summary
Number of related genomic regulatory elements with the selected DMRs
Detailed annotation results
Enhancer information
Chromosome | Start position | End position | Length | Differential methylation value | Annotation | Gene Symbol | Enhancer position | Enhancer downstream gene | Enhancer tissue | Enhancer condition | Enhancer location | Enhancer type | Enhancer source |
Tips: we collected 9,447,227 enhancers from ENdb(430), EnhancerAtlas 2.0(7,272,472), SEA(2,174,325), FANTOM5, and VISTA database.
Chromosome | Start position | End position | Length | Differential methylation value | Annotation | Gene Symbol | Super enhancer position | Super enhancer downstream gene | Super enhancer tissue | Super enhancer condition | Super enhancer location | Super enhancer pmid | Super enhancer type | Super enhancer source |
Tips: we collected 106,907 super enhancers from ENdb(50) and SEA(106,857) database.
Chromosome | Start position | End position | Length | Differential methylation value | Annotation | Gene Symbol | Disease enhancer position | Disease enhancer downstream gene | Disease enhancer id | Disease enhancer condition | Disease enhancer location |
Tips: we collected 1,397 disease enhancers from diseaseEnhancer database.
Chromosome | Start position | End position | Length | Differential methylation value | Annotation | Gene Symbol | Cancer enhancer position | Cancer enhancer downstream gene | Cancer enhancer condition | Cancer enhancer location |
Tips: we collected 168,269 cancer enhancers from CancerEND database.
Chromosome | Start position | End position | Length | Differential methylation value | Annotation | Gene Symbol | Active enhancer position | Active enhancer downstream gene | Active enhancer tissue | Active enhancer cell | Active enhancer pmid | Active enhancer type |
Tips: we collected 1,549,063 active enhancers from HACER database.
Silencer information
Chromosome | Start position | End position | Length | Differential methylation value | Annotation | Gene Symbol | Silencer position | Silencer ID | Silencer tissue | Silencer cell | Silencer location | Silencer type |
Tips: we collected 3,559,938 silencers from SilencerDB database.
Transcription factor information
Chromosome | Start position | End position | Length | Differential methylation value | Annotation | Gene Symbol | Transcription factor position | Transcription factor ID | Transcription factor name | Transcription factor binding sequence logo | Transcription factor cell line | Transcription factor location |
Tips: we collected 182,416,820 transcriptional factors from ReMap2022 and JASPAR database.
Gene expression information