

病毒株名 hCoV-19/Thailand/74/2020
序列号 EPI_ISL_403963
宿主 Homo sapiens
采样日期 2020-01-13
采样地点 Thailand/ Nonthaburi Province
谱系 B (Version: 4.0.6)
序列完整度 Complete
质量评估 0/0/0/0/NO
样本提供单位 Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand; Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases - Health Science Centre; Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
数据递交单位 Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand; Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases - Health Science Centre; Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
发布时间 2020-01-20 12:04:48


年龄 70
性别 F
职业 NA
发作日期 2020-01-13
入院日期 2020-01-13
旅行史/接触史 The patient had recently traveled from Wuhan, She did not visit the Huanan Seafood Market or other markets. She also reported no contact with pigs, camels, other mammals (or areas with dead birds), or any consumption of raw or undercooked foods. She state
严重程度 NA
病患状态 Fever(38 ℃), mild tachypnoea, CXR was compatible with pneumonia
临床症状及潜伏天数 Fever(38 ℃), a sore throat, cough for an undetermined period
临床检测 CXR /a conventional nested RT-PCR
基础病史 NA
其他病原菌感染 NA
合并症 NA
临床用药和处理 NA
生理生化指标追踪 Conventional nested RT-PCR, CXR, complete blood count
出院日期 2020-01-17
相关文献 Early transmission patterns of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in travellers from Wuhan to Thailand, January 2020. [PMID: 32127124]


参考序列 2019-nCoV (MN908947.3)
病毒株名 hCoV-19/Thailand/74/2020 (EPI_ISL_403963)
SNP数目 0
Insertion数目 0
Deletion数目 2
Indel数目 0
相似度 99.99
质量评估分级 A
注释统计 2(intergenic_variant:2)
文件下载 (GFF3)
The variation information in this file was calculated based on sequence EPI_ISL_403963.The original sequence can be obtained from GISAID's website.