Itraconazole therapy for blastomycosis and histoplasmosis. NIAID Mycoses Study Group.

W E Dismukes, R W Bradsher, G C Cloud, C A Kauffman, S W Chapman, R B George, D A Stevens, W M Girard, M S Saag, C Bowles-Patton
Author Information
  1. W E Dismukes: Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Alabama, Birmingham 35294.


OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and toxicity of orally administered itraconazole in the treatment of nonmeningeal, nonlife-threatening forms of blastomycosis and histoplasmosis.
DESIGN: Prospective, nonrandomized, open trial.
SETTING: Multicenter trial at 14 university referral centers.
PATIENTS: Eighty-five patients with culture or histopathologic evidence of blastomycosis (48 patients) or histoplasmosis (37 patients). Patients receiving other systemic antifungal therapy were excluded.
INTERVENTIONS: Itraconazole was administered orally at doses of 200 to 400 mg/d. Patients in whom treatment was considered a success were treated for a median duration of 6.2 months (blastomycosis) and 9.0 months (histoplasmosis). Disease activity was assessed at baseline; drug efficacy and toxicity were evaluated at monthly intervals during therapy, and efficacy was evaluated at regular follow-up visits after completion of therapy. The median duration of posttreatment evaluation for successfully treated patients was 11.9 months (blastomycosis) and 12.1 months (histoplasmosis).
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Among the 48 patients with blastomycosis, success was documented in 43 (90%). The success rate for patients treated for more than 2 months was 95% (38 of 40). Among the 37 patients with histoplasmosis, success was documented in 30 (81%). The success rate for patients treated for more than 2 months was 86% (30 of 35). All patients with histoplasmosis in whom treatment failed had chronic cavitary pulmonary disease. Toxicity was minor; only 25 (29%) patients experienced any side effects, and itraconazole toxicity necessitated stopping therapy in only 1 patient.
CONCLUSIONS: Itraconazole is a highly effective therapy for nonmeningeal, nonlife-threatening blastomycosis and histoplasmosis. The drug is associated with minimal toxicity.


  1. N01-AI-15082/NIAID NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Aged, 80 and over
Antifungal Agents
Middle Aged
Prospective Studies
Treatment Outcome


Antifungal Agents

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0patientshistoplasmosisblastomycosistherapymonthssuccesstoxicitytreatedefficacytreatmentItraconazole2orallyadministereditraconazolenonmeningealnonlife-threateningtrial4837Patientsmedianduration9drugevaluated1Amongdocumentedrate30OBJECTIVE:assessformsDESIGN:ProspectivenonrandomizedopenSETTING:Multicenter14universityreferralcentersPATIENTS:Eighty-fiveculturehistopathologicevidencereceivingsystemicantifungalexcludedINTERVENTIONS:doses200400mg/dconsidered60Diseaseactivityassessedbaselinemonthlyintervalsregularfollow-upvisitscompletionposttreatmentevaluationsuccessfully1112MEASUREMENTSANDMAINRESULTS:4390%95%384081%86%35failedchroniccavitarypulmonarydiseaseToxicityminor2529%experiencedsideeffectsnecessitatedstoppingpatientCONCLUSIONS:highlyeffectiveassociatedminimalNIAIDMycosesStudyGroup

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