Characterization of the third origin of DNA replication of the genome of insect iridescent virus type 6.

K C Sonntag, G Darai
Author Information
  1. K C Sonntag: Institut für Medizinische Virologie, Universität Heidelberg, Germany.


The structure of the third origin of DNA replication (CIV-ori-M) of the genome (209 kbp) of Chilo iridescent virus (CIV) was determined by DNA nucleotide sequence analysis. The CIV-ori-M is located within the DNA sequences of the EcoRI CIV DNA fragment M (7 kbp; 0.310-0.345 viral map units) between the genome coordinates 0.310 (EcoRI site) and 0.317 (NcoI site). The DNA nucleotide sequence of the EcoRI/NcoI CIV DNA fragment (1601 bp) was determined for identifying the DNA sequence of the corresponding origin of DNA replication. The analysis of the DNA sequences of this region revealed the presence of a 12-mer inverted repeat at nucleotide positions 485-496 and 503-513 (485-AGATATTTGACT-496-TATGT-503-AGTCAAATATCT-513) that are able to form a hairpin-loop structure. A double-stranded DNA fragment was synthesized that corresponds to the nucleotide positions 485-513 that were cloned into the phages M13mp18 and M13mp19, and were screened for their ability to be amplified in CF-124 cell cultures infected with CIV. The successful amplification of the DNA sequence of the CIV-ori-M is strong evidence that this particular region of the CIV genome indeed serves as the origin of DNA replication.


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MeSH Term

Base Sequence
DNA Replication
DNA, Viral
Deoxyribonuclease EcoRI
Molecular Sequence Data
Nucleotide Mapping
Virus Replication


DNA, Viral
Deoxyribonuclease EcoRI

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0DNACIVoriginreplicationgenomenucleotidesequenceCIV-ori-Mfragment0structurethirdkbpiridescentvirusdeterminedanalysissequencesEcoRIsiteregionpositions209ChilolocatedwithinM7310-0345viralmapunitscoordinates310317NcoIEcoRI/NcoI1601bpidentifyingcorrespondingrevealedpresence12-merinvertedrepeat485-496503-513485-AGATATTTGACT-496-TATGT-503-AGTCAAATATCT-513ableformhairpin-loopdouble-strandedsynthesizedcorresponds485-513clonedphagesM13mp18M13mp19screenedabilityamplifiedCF-124cellculturesinfectedsuccessfulamplificationstrongevidenceparticularindeedservesCharacterizationinsecttype6

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