Reminiscing as a technique in the group psychotherapy of depression: a comparative study.

E Bachar, S Kindler, G Schefler, B Lerer
Author Information
  1. E Bachar: Department of Psychiatry, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel.


Reminiscing as a technique of group psychotherapy for severely depressed hospitalized patients was found by patients and staff to be more efficacious than the traditional reflective non-directive group psychotherapy approach. The therapeutic potential of reminiscing in combatting depressed mood was supported by the present findings. The suitability of reminiscing to the difficult task of handling groups of severely depressed hospitalized patients was demonstrated.

MeSH Term

Depressive Disorder
Life Change Events
Mental Recall
Personality Assessment
Psychotherapy, Group

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0grouppsychotherapydepressedpatientsReminiscingtechniqueseverelyhospitalizedreminiscingfoundstaffefficacioustraditionalreflectivenon-directiveapproachtherapeuticpotentialcombattingmoodsupportedpresentfindingssuitabilitydifficulttaskhandlinggroupsdemonstrateddepression:comparativestudy

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