Diet counseling in a multicultural society.

P G Kittler, K P Sucher
Author Information


Successful diet counseling is dependent on culturally sensitive communication strategies. Health care practitioners can improve cross-cultured counseling through a four-step process. First, they must become familiar with their own cultural heritages. Second, they must become acquainted with the cultural background of each client. Third, through an in-depth cross-cultural interview, they must establish the client's cultural background, food habit adaptations made in the United States, and personal preferences. Fourth, they must modify diets based on unbiased analysis of the dietary data. The best chance for compliance occurs when diets are modified with consideration for client's cultural and personal preferences.

MeSH Term

Cultural Characteristics
Education, Nursing, Continuing
Feeding Behavior
Food Preferences
Nutritional Sciences
Patient Compliance
Patient Education as Topic

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0mustculturalcounselingbecomebackgroundclient'spersonalpreferencesdietsSuccessfuldietdependentculturallysensitivecommunicationstrategiesHealthcarepractitionerscanimprovecross-culturedfour-stepprocessFirstfamiliarheritagesSecondacquaintedclientThirdin-depthcross-culturalinterviewestablishfoodhabitadaptationsmadeUnitedStatesFourthmodifybasedunbiasedanalysisdietarydatabestchancecomplianceoccursmodifiedconsiderationDietmulticulturalsociety

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