Consequences and costs of shutting off methadone.

M D Anglin, G R Speckart, M W Booth, T M Ryan
Author Information
  1. M D Anglin: UCLA Drug Abuse Research Group 90024-3511.


In the face of rising fiscal conservatism, many states and localities with sizable addict populations have reduced or eliminated public funding for methadone maintenance (MM) programs and permitted private-fee-for-service programs to replace them. The social and economic costs of these changed funding policies with reference to the California experience were analyzed. A two-and-a-half year follow-up of a sample of San Diego MM clients (195 men, 129 women) terminated from a public subsidized program compared outcome results to clients from publicly funded MM programs in Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties (129 men, 131 women). In a secondary analysis, San Diego clients who transferred into private (fee-for-service) treatment programs were compared with those who did not transfer. Major adverse consequences were found for clients unable or unwilling to transfer to private programs: higher crime and dealing rates, more contact with the criminal justice system, and higher rates of illicit drug use were demonstrated by nontransfer clients. Moreover, the savings resulting from a reduction of MM program costs were nearly offset by increased direct costs for incarceration, legal supervision, and other government-funded drug treatment. Indirect costs were not assessed.


  1. DA03425/NIDA NIH HHS
  2. DA03541/NIDA NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Community Mental Health Services
Cost Control
Cross-Sectional Studies
Heroin Dependence
Opioid-Related Disorders
Patient Discharge



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0costsclientsMMprogramsSanpublicfundingmethadoneDiegomen129womenprogramcomparedprivatetreatmenttransferhigherratesdrugfacerisingfiscalconservatismmanystateslocalitiessizableaddictpopulationsreducedeliminatedmaintenancepermittedprivate-fee-for-servicereplacesocialeconomicchangedpoliciesreferenceCaliforniaexperienceanalyzedtwo-and-a-halfyearfollow-upsample195terminatedsubsidizedoutcomeresultspubliclyfundedOrangeRiversideBernardinocounties131secondaryanalysistransferredfee-for-serviceMajoradverseconsequencesfoundunableunwillingprograms:crimedealingcontactcriminaljusticesystemillicitusedemonstratednontransferMoreoversavingsresultingreductionnearlyoffsetincreaseddirectincarcerationlegalsupervisiongovernment-fundedIndirectassessedConsequencesshutting

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