Recent advances in computer image generation simulation.

H E Geltmacher
Author Information
  1. H E Geltmacher: Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, Williams Air Force Base, Arizona 85240-6457.


An explosion in flight simulator technology over the past 10 years is revolutionizing U.S. Air Force (USAF) operational training. The single, most important development has been in computer image generation. However, other significant advances are being made in simulator handling qualities, real-time computation systems, and electro-optical displays. These developments hold great promise for achieving high fidelity combat mission simulation. This article reviews the progress to date and predicts its impact, along with that of new computer science advances such as very high speed integrated circuits (VHSIC), on future USAF aircrew simulator training. Some exciting possibilities are multiship, full-mission simulators at replacement training units, miniaturized unit level mission rehearsal training simulators, onboard embedded training capability, and national scale simulator networking.

MeSH Term

Computer Graphics
Computer Simulation
Computer Systems
United States

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0trainingsimulatorcomputeradvancesUSAFimagegenerationhighmissionsimulationsimulatorsexplosionflighttechnologypast10yearsrevolutionizingUSAirForceoperationalsingleimportantdevelopmentHoweversignificantmadehandlingqualitiesreal-timecomputationsystemselectro-opticaldisplaysdevelopmentsholdgreatpromiseachievingfidelitycombatarticlereviewsprogressdatepredictsimpactalongnewsciencespeedintegratedcircuitsVHSICfutureaircrewexcitingpossibilitiesmultishipfull-missionreplacementunitsminiaturizedunitlevelrehearsalonboardembeddedcapabilitynationalscalenetworkingRecent

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