Concurrent schedules of interresponse time reinforcement: probability of reinforcement and the lower bounds of the reinforced interresponse time intervals.

R W Malott, W W Cumming
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Data were obtained with rats on the effects of interresponse time contingent reinforcement of the lever press response using schedules in which interresponse times falling within either of two temporal intervals could be reinforced. Some of the findings were (a) the mode of the interresponse time distribution generally occurred near the first lower bound when the maximum reinforcement rate for the two lower bounds was equal; this also frequently occurred even when the reinforcement rate was less for the first lower bound; (b) as is the case with schedules using a single interval of reinforced interresponse times the values of the lower bounds partially determined the location and spread of the distributions; but the particular pair of values used did not seem to influence the effects of the probabilities of reinforcement; (c) although the modal interresponse time was usually at the lower bound of one of the two intervals of reinforced interresponse times, no simple relation existed between either the probability or rate of reinforcement of interresponse times in these two intervals and the location of this mode.


  1. J Exp Anal Behav. 1960 Jan;3(1):71-82 [PMID: 16811251]

MeSH Term

Conditioning, Psychological
Reaction Time
Reinforcement, Psychology

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0interresponsereinforcementlowertimetimestwointervalsreinforcedschedulesboundrateboundseffectsusingeithermodeoccurredfirstvalueslocationprobabilityDataobtainedratscontingentleverpressresponsefallingwithintemporalfindingsdistributiongenerallynearmaximumequalalsofrequentlyevenlessbcasesingleintervalpartiallydeterminedspreaddistributionsparticularpairusedseeminfluenceprobabilitiescalthoughmodalusuallyonesimplerelationexistedConcurrentreinforcement:

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