Physician recommendations for dietary change: their prevalence and impact in a population-based sample.

J R Hunt, A R Kristal, E White, J C Lynch, E Fries
Author Information
  1. J R Hunt: Cancer Prevention Research Program, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Wash., 98104, USA.


A random-digit-dialing survey to examine the prevalence, content, and impact of physician dietary recommendations in a representative population-based sample of Washington State residents was administered to 1972 persons aged 18 years and older. Twenty percent of those surveyed received a physician's recommendation for dietary change in the previous year. The most common recommendations were to decrease intake of cholesterol, calories, and red meat and to increase intake of vegetables and fiber. Respondents receiving recommendations were more likely to report decreased use of high-fat foods and increased use of high-fiber foods and to be in the maintenance stage of dietary change. Results suggest that physicians can play a limited role in promoting dietary change.


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  1. 5 T32 CA-09661-03/NCI NIH HHS
  2. CA-34847/NCI NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Data Collection
Educational Status
Health Promotion
Middle Aged

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0dietaryrecommendationschangeprevalenceimpactpopulation-basedsampleintakeusefoodsrandom-digit-dialingsurveyexaminecontentphysicianrepresentativeWashingtonStateresidentsadministered1972personsaged18yearsolderTwentypercentsurveyedreceivedphysician'srecommendationpreviousyearcommondecreasecholesterolcaloriesredmeatincreasevegetablesfiberRespondentsreceivinglikelyreportdecreasedhigh-fatincreasedhigh-fibermaintenancestageResultssuggestphysicianscanplaylimitedrolepromotingPhysicianchange:

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