[Organs for transplantation. The demand increases--but not the supply].

H Gäbel, J Ahonen
Author Information
  1. H Gäbel: Transplantationskirurgiska kliniken, Huddinge sjukhus.


The supply of organs is the only factor which limits the scope of transplantation to help the severely ill. As the number of donors can not be appreciably increased, the functional and medical criteria for donors are reduced instead. Although the already positive attitude of the public to cadaveric organ donation is unlikely to improve further, intensified information campaigns might result in more people discussing organ donation with their relatives and informing them of their views, which would help surviving relatives to decide for or against organ donation. It should also be possible to improve access to organs by educating health care personnel.

MeSH Term

Health Education
Health Personnel
Middle Aged
Scandinavian and Nordic Countries
Tissue Donors
Tissue and Organ Procurement

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0organdonationorganstransplantationhelpdonorsimproverelativessupplyfactorlimitsscopeseverelyillnumbercanappreciablyincreasedfunctionalmedicalcriteriareducedinsteadAlthoughalreadypositiveattitudepubliccadavericunlikelyintensifiedinformationcampaignsmightresultpeoplediscussinginformingviewssurvivingdecidealsopossibleaccesseducatinghealthcarepersonnel[Organsdemandincreases--butsupply]

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