READER: an acronym to aid critical reading by general practitioners.

D MacAuley
Author Information
  1. D MacAuley: Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Queen's University of Belfast.


READER represents a sequence of steps in the assessment of general practice literature. An article may be judged on the first four steps: r for relevance, e for education, a for applicability, d for discrimination. The next step, e, involves the evaluation of the article using a scoring system. Finally the reader decides what to do with the article, as illustrated by r for reaction.


  1. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1985 Feb;19(2):155-60 [PMID: 3872671]
  2. Br Med J. 1980 Nov 15;281(6251):1336-8 [PMID: 7437789]
  3. BMJ. 1992 Apr 18;304(6833):999-1000 [PMID: 1586813]
  4. JAMA. 1985 Jun 7;253(21):3145-7 [PMID: 3999302]
  5. Fam Pract. 1991 Mar;8(1):1-2 [PMID: 2044864]
  6. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1983 May 7;286(6376):1489-93 [PMID: 6405856]
  7. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1983 May 7;286(6376):1485-8 [PMID: 6405855]
  8. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1986 Mar 15;292(6522):716 [PMID: 3082408]

MeSH Term

Family Practice
Physicians, Family

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0articlegeneralreREADERrepresentssequencestepsassessmentpracticeliteraturemayjudgedfirstfoursteps:relevanceeducationapplicabilityddiscriminationnextstepinvolvesevaluationusingscoringsystemFinallyreaderdecidesillustratedreactionREADER:acronymaidcriticalreadingpractitioners

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