Use of a caries-disclosing agent to improve dental residents' ability to detect caries.

C B Starr, W R Langenderfer
Author Information
  1. C B Starr: Keesler Medical Center, Keesler AFB, MS.


Clinicians often have difficulty determining which dentin should be removed during cavity preparation. Caries-disclosing agents have proven to be useful in the identification of carious dentin that requires removal. Recent dental school graduates are able to improve caries identification and removal when a caries-disclosing dye is used to check their attempts at complete caries removal.

MeSH Term

Clinical Competence
Coloring Agents
Dental Caries
Dental Caries Activity Tests
Dental Cavity Preparation
General Practice, Dental
Internship and Residency


Coloring Agents

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0removalcariesdentinidentificationdentalimprovecaries-disclosingCliniciansoftendifficultydeterminingremovedcavitypreparationCaries-disclosingagentsprovenusefulcariousrequiresRecentschoolgraduatesabledyeusedcheckattemptscompleteUseagentresidents'abilitydetect

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