- P E Turpin: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, Birmingham, UK.
An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a microwell fluorescent antibody (FA) direct count method have been developed for the monitoring of salmonellas in soil. Both methods have a minimum detection level of ca 10(6) cells per gram of soil. The FA direct count method gave a linear recovery for the inoculum range 10(6)-10(9) cells per gram of soil. When monitored by plate counts the survival of salmonellas was greater in a sterile than in a non-sterile soil. Evidence was found for the production of viable but non-culturable salmonellas in non-sterile soil; plate counts dropped rapidly with time, but FA direct counts and ELISA remained level. The salmonella cells became progressively smaller and rounder with time. Dead salmonella cells introduced into soil rapidly disappeared.