Choices in sedation: the balanced sedation technique.

M Tryba
Author Information
  1. M Tryba: Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy, University Hospital Bergmannsheil, Bochum, Germany.


patients undergoing surgery under regional anaesthesia may be anxious, uncomfortable or in pain. Therefore, effective sedation throughout the procedure is an important aspect of patient management. The balanced sedation technique uses combinations of sedatives to meet the anxiolytic and analgesic needs of the individual patient. For example, benzodiazepines are effective anxiolytics, while propofol can be used to provide a suitable level of sedation, especially in patients who have expressed a wish to remain asleep during the procedure. Analgesics should be considered only in those patients who are likely to experience pain during the procedure. Basic measures to increase the comfort of the patient and to facilitate the effect of pharmacological methods include supplementary non-pharmacological techniques, for example the use of a soft mattress to prevent back pain, infusion of warmed fluids and a warm operating atmosphere. This may extend to the opportunity for patients to listen to music if they have a fear of the sounds associated with the operating room, such as technical discussions by surgical staff or the sound of surgical instruments being used and discarded. The balanced sedation technique can, therefore, help to achieve the ideal goal of a comfortable patient who is free from anxiety and pain, and can sleep if desired.

MeSH Term

Anesthesia, Conduction
Conscious Sedation
Hypnotics and Sedatives


Hypnotics and Sedatives

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0sedationpainpatientprocedurebalancedtechniquecanpatientsmayeffectiveexampleusedoperatingsurgicalPatientsundergoingsurgeryregionalanaesthesiaanxiousuncomfortableThereforethroughoutimportantaspectmanagementusescombinationssedativesmeetanxiolyticanalgesicneedsindividualbenzodiazepinesanxiolyticspropofolprovidesuitablelevelespeciallyexpressedwishremainasleepAnalgesicsconsideredlikelyexperienceBasicmeasuresincreasecomfortfacilitateeffectpharmacologicalmethodsincludesupplementarynon-pharmacologicaltechniquesusesoftmattresspreventbackinfusionwarmedfluidswarmatmosphereextendopportunitylistenmusicfearsoundsassociatedroomtechnicaldiscussionsstaffsoundinstrumentsdiscardedthereforehelpachieveidealgoalcomfortablefreeanxietysleepdesiredChoicessedation:

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