Writing a successful business plan.

A B Haag
Author Information
  1. A B Haag: Annette B. Haag & Associates, Simi Valley, CA, USA.


1. In creating and building a business, the entrepreneur assumes all the responsibilities for its development and management, as well as the risks and risks and rewards. Many businesses do not survive because business owners fail to develop an effective plan. 2. The business plan focuses on major areas of concern and their contribution to the success of a new business. The finished product communicates the product/service to others and provides the basis for the financial proposal. 3. Planning helps identify customers, market area, pricing strategy, and competitive conditions. It aids in decision making and is an essential guide for operating a business successfully and measuring progress. 4. The business plan not only serves as a mechanism for obtaining any needed financial resources, but also indicates the future direction of the company.

MeSH Term

Occupational Health Nursing
Planning Techniques
Private Practice

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0businessplanrisksfinancial1creatingbuildingentrepreneurassumesresponsibilitiesdevelopmentmanagementwellrewardsManybusinessessurviveownersfaildevelopeffective2focusesmajorareasconcerncontributionsuccessnewfinishedproductcommunicatesproduct/serviceothersprovidesbasisproposal3Planninghelpsidentifycustomersmarketareapricingstrategycompetitiveconditionsaidsdecisionmakingessentialguideoperatingsuccessfullymeasuringprogress4servesmechanismobtainingneededresourcesalsoindicatesfuturedirectioncompanyWritingsuccessful

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