Image transfer and computer-supported cooperative diagnosis.

H Handels, E Rinast, C Busch, C Hahn, V Kühn, J Miehe, C Rossmanith, F Seibert, A Will
Author Information
  1. H Handels: Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Medizinische Universität zu Lübeck, Germany.


The KAMEDIN system was designed as a low-cost communication tool as part of a computer-supported cooperative work project that included synchronized user interaction, telepointing and audioconferencing. During a five-month field trial, it was used for medical image transfer and cooperative diagnosis in 14 clinics and medical departments in Germany. During the field test, 297 teleconsultations were performed via ISDN and 875 MByte of data were transferred. An image compression ratio of 2-3 was obtained, so that the total quantity of data transferred corresponded to 14,000-21,000 magnetic resonance images or 3500-5250 computerized tomography images. Furthermore, 694 local sessions were conducted for the preparation of teleconsultations and the review of transferred images. Participants learned to handle the KAMEDIN system in a few hours. This was mainly owing to the design of the user-oriented graphical user interface and the restriction of the system to a set of essential image-processing functions.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0systemcooperativetransferredimagesKAMEDINcomputer-supporteduserfieldmedicalimagetransferdiagnosis14teleconsultationsdatadesignedlow-costcommunicationtoolpartworkprojectincludedsynchronizedinteractiontelepointingaudioconferencingfive-monthtrialusedclinicsdepartmentsGermanytest297performedviaISDN875MBytecompressionratio2-3obtainedtotalquantitycorresponded000-21000magneticresonance3500-5250computerizedtomographyFurthermore694localsessionsconductedpreparationreviewParticipantslearnedhandlehoursmainlyowingdesignuser-orientedgraphicalinterfacerestrictionsetessentialimage-processingfunctionsImage

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