Tumour-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity in Th2-type Sézary syndrome: its enhancement by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and IL-12 and fluctuations in association with disease activity.

N Seo, Y Tokura, K Matsumoto, F Furukawa, M Takigawa
Author Information
  1. N Seo: Department of Dermatology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan.


Sézary syndrome (SzS) is the leukaemic variant of cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL), whose malignant T cells are of the Th2 type in most cases. In this study we investigated the tumouricidal activity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) present in peripheral blood of a patient with Th2-type SzS, focusing on the effect of IL-2, IFN-gamma and IL-12 on their cytotoxic activity, and the relationship between their lytic capacity and the patient's clinical course. At four different time points during a 2-month clinical period, CD4+CD7- Sézary cells and CD8+ cells were separated from the patient's circulating cells. CD8+ cells were cultured with chemically attenuated, purified Sézary cells in the presence of IL-2 to develop specific cytotoxicity. The CD8+ cells thus cultured exhibited lytic activity against autologous Sézary cells. Concomitant addition of IFN-gamma or IL-12 exerted a synergistic cytolytic effect with IL-2 on the tumour cells. Cytotoxicity inhibition studies using MoAbs revealed that the cytotoxicity operated in MHC class I-, CD8- and alphabeta T cell receptor-dependent manners. Furthermore, eight CD8+ T cell clones generated from cultured CD8+ cells exhibited a strong cytotoxicity against Sézary cells in an MHC class I-restricted fashion. During the clinical course, the activity of generated CTL and the number of CD8+ cells were inversely correlated with disease activity as assessed by the serum level of lactate dehydrogenase. These findings suggest that CTL down-regulate the growth of malignant T cells in this long-standing disease. Since Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 down-modulate CTL activity, CTL are assumed to be usually suppressed in SzS, whose malignant T cells are of Th2 type. It is likely that the administration of IFN-gamma normalizes this Th2-skewing state, activates CTL, and thus exerts the therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment of CTCL.


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MeSH Term

Antigens, Neoplasm
Cytotoxicity, Immunologic
Lymphocyte Activation
Middle Aged
Sezary Syndrome
Skin Neoplasms
Th2 Cells
Tumor Cells, Cultured


Antigens, Neoplasm

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0cellsTactivitySézaryCTLCD8+IFN-gammaSzScellmalignantTh2cytotoxicIL-2IL-12clinicalculturedcytotoxicitydiseaseCTCLwhosetypeTh2-typeeffectlyticpatient'scoursethusexhibitedMHCclassgeneratedsyndromeleukaemicvariantcutaneouslymphomacasesstudyinvestigatedtumouricidallymphocytespresentperipheralbloodpatientfocusingrelationshipcapacityfourdifferenttimepoints2-monthperiodCD4+CD7-separatedcirculatingchemicallyattenuatedpurifiedpresencedevelopspecificautologousConcomitantadditionexertedsynergisticcytolytictumourCytotoxicityinhibitionstudiesusingMoAbsrevealedoperatedI-CD8-alphabetareceptor-dependentmannersFurthermoreeightclonesstrongI-restrictedfashionnumberinverselycorrelatedassessedserumlevellactatedehydrogenasefindingssuggestdown-regulategrowthlong-standingSincecytokinesIL-4down-modulateassumedusuallysuppressedlikelyadministrationnormalizesTh2-skewingstateactivatesexertstherapeuticeffectivenesstreatmentTumour-specificlymphocytesyndrome:enhancementinterferon-gammafluctuationsassociation

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