Perspectives on health care delivery systems for American Indian families.

R S Malach, N Segel
Author Information


The national effort to improve services to children with special health care needs presents unique challenges for the delivery of services to American Indian families. This study took place in New Mexico. American Indian families whose children have special needs and health care providers were interviewed. Their responses about obstacles to health care for their children and suggestions for improving services were examined. Generally, both groups identified similar obstacles, although important differences between groups were noted. The findings point to the need for understanding cultural barriers and the unique concerns of low income families living in rural areas. This has important implications for planning changes in the health care system for American Indian children with special needs.


  1. MCJ-355014/PHS HHS

MeSH Term

Child Health Services
Data Collection
Family Health
Health Services Accessibility
Indians, North American
New Mexico
Statistics as Topic
United States

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0healthcarechildrenAmericanIndianfamiliesservicesspecialneedsuniquedeliveryobstaclesgroupsimportantnationaleffortimprovepresentschallengesstudytookplaceNewMexicowhoseprovidersinterviewedresponsessuggestionsimprovingexaminedGenerallyidentifiedsimilaralthoughdifferencesnotedfindingspointneedunderstandingculturalbarriersconcernslowincomelivingruralareasimplicationsplanningchangessystemPerspectivessystems

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