Assessing emergency medicine resident communication skills using videotaped patient encounters: gaps in inter-rater reliability.

S Rosenzweig, T P Brigham, R D Snyder, G Xu, A J McDonald
Author Information
  1. S Rosenzweig: Department of Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA.


We report on a process for assessing the communication skills of emergency medicine residents that includes 1) a faculty development initiative; 2) videotaping of actual resident-patient encounters in the emergency department; and 3) creation of an observation instrument for evaluating communication behaviors. We tested this observation instrument for inter-rater reliability, finding moderate-to-high agreement for only 11 of 32 items. These related to personal introductions, conflict management, nonverbal communication, and overall performance. There was poor or no agreement for behaviors related to establishing rapport, gathering information, and contracting or informing. Challenges of assessing interpersonal skills of emergency medicine residents are discussed.

MeSH Term

Emergency Medicine
Emergency Service, Hospital
Hospitals, Teaching
Internship and Residency
Physician-Patient Relations
United States
Videotape Recording

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0communicationemergencyskillsmedicineassessingresidentsobservationinstrumentbehaviorsinter-raterreliabilityagreementrelatedreportprocessincludes1facultydevelopmentinitiative2videotapingactualresident-patientencountersdepartment3creationevaluatingtestedfindingmoderate-to-high1132itemspersonalintroductionsconflictmanagementnonverbaloverallperformancepoorestablishingrapportgatheringinformationcontractinginformingChallengesinterpersonaldiscussedAssessingresidentusingvideotapedpatientencounters:gaps

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