Using a business plan to develop a freestanding radiology center.

B Stuart, R G McGee, D Richardson
Author Information


Physicians, hospitals and investors are closely scrutinizing the market for freestanding diagnostic and therapeutic centers. Developing a center's business plan can be a critical first step for physicians to gauge the profitability of a new project. Elements of a plan include: volume projections, referral issues, regulatory environment, financial and performance indicators, accountability, time frames and a marketing plan.

MeSH Term

Ambulatory Care Facilities
Hospital Departments
Marketing of Health Services
Planning Techniques
Radiology Department, Hospital
Referral and Consultation
United States

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0planfreestandingbusinessPhysicianshospitalsinvestorscloselyscrutinizingmarketdiagnostictherapeuticcentersDevelopingcenter'scancriticalfirststepphysiciansgaugeprofitabilitynewprojectElementsinclude:volumeprojectionsreferralissuesregulatoryenvironmentfinancialperformanceindicatorsaccountabilitytimeframesmarketingUsingdevelopradiologycenter

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