Health promotion practices of emergency physicians.

J M Williams, A C Chinnis, D Gutman
Author Information
  1. J M Williams: Department of Emergency Medicine, West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA.


In this article we describe health promotion practices of emergency physicians (EPs). A survey was mailed to members of the West Virginia American College of Emergency Physicians. Main outcomes included the EP's beliefs regarding health promotion, perceived roles in health promotion, and perceived effectiveness in modifying the behavior of patients. Over 90% of respondents routinely asked about cigarette smoking and half about alcohol use. A minority routinely asked about illicit drug use, diet, exercise, domestic violence, or stress. The majority stated they were the main person responsible for patient health education in their emergency department (ED). Most felt prepared to counsel patients about smoking (68%) and alcohol (59%), although very few described themselves as successful in helping patients change their behavior. Although EPs feel responsible for promoting the health of their patients, only a minority reported routinely screening and counseling patients about prevention and most were not confident in their ability to help patients change their health-related behaviors.


  1. R49/CCR308469-05/PHS HHS

MeSH Term

Alcohol Drinking
Attitude of Health Personnel
Emergency Medicine
Health Behavior
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Health Promotion
Mass Screening
Medical History Taking
Medical Staff, Hospital
Patient Education as Topic
Practice Patterns, Physicians'
Primary Prevention
Smoking Prevention
Substance-Related Disorders
Surveys and Questionnaires
West Virginia

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0patientshealthpromotionemergencyroutinelypracticesphysiciansEPsperceivedbehavioraskedsmokingalcoholuseminorityresponsiblechangearticledescribesurveymailedmembersWestVirginiaAmericanCollegeEmergencyPhysiciansMainoutcomesincludedEP'sbeliefsregardingroleseffectivenessmodifying90%respondentscigarettehalfillicitdrugdietexercisedomesticviolencestressmajoritystatedmainpersonpatienteducationdepartmentEDfeltpreparedcounsel68%59%althoughdescribedsuccessfulhelpingAlthoughfeelpromotingreportedscreeningcounselingpreventionconfidentabilityhelphealth-relatedbehaviorsHealth

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