Research trends in mother-child healthcare, 1966-1995.

A Loria, P Arroyo
Author Information
  1. A Loria: Instituto Nacional de Nutricion Salvador Zubiran, Mexico City, Mexico.


OBJECTIVE: To explore trends in mother-child healthcare (MCHC) research over the past 30 years.
METHODS: Classifications of Medline articles were made at 5-year intervals using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) as classifiers. Papers were classified in mutually and non-mutually exclusive categories by subject (mother and four age groups of children) and type of research (clinical, basic, epidemiologic, and unclassified) and its various combinations.
RESULTS: The number of MCHC papers increased from 34,110 in 1966 to 65,028 in 1995, but the proportion of all Medline articles (18-21%) was relatively stable. There were remarkable long-term temporal stabilities in the proportions of MCHC papers of mothers and the four age groups of children. Most papers dealt with child (46%) and adolescents (45%), and only 11% studied mother and children together. Regression analysis indicated that a linear increase in number of MCHC papers in Medline (1053/year) was represented largely by single-age and combinations of age children, especially adolescence. However, the slope for mother-plus-children papers (113/year) was substantially higher than for mothers alone (64/year). Clinical papers (52%) were the dominant type of MCHC research, but the proportions of basic and epidemiologic papers and their combinations with clinical papers have increased substantially in the past decade.
CONCLUSIONS: There has been a dominance of clinical and child-related papers in MCHC research, which may be a reflection of restricted outlooks of specialists in the area. This may change soon if the tendency toward increasing numbers of basic and epidemiologic papers holds.


  1. Mil Med. 1990 Sep;155(9):421-4 [PMID: 2120629]
  2. Arch Dermatol. 1993 Sep;129(9):1121-9 [PMID: 8363395]
  3. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 1995 Jun-Jul;13(6):338-44 [PMID: 7654834]
  4. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1994 Mar;162(3):519-22 [PMID: 8109488]
  5. J Hum Hypertens. 1995 Jan;9(1):31-6 [PMID: 7730998]
  6. Isr J Med Sci. 1991 Apr;27(4):234-8 [PMID: 2010281]
  7. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1991 Feb;117(2):164-70 [PMID: 1991056]

MeSH Term

Child, Preschool
Health Services Research
Linear Models
Maternal-Child Health Centers
United States

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0papersMCHCresearchchildrenMedlineageclinicalbasicepidemiologiccombinationstrendsmother-childhealthcarepastarticlesmotherfourgroupstypenumberincreasedproportionsmotherssubstantiallymayOBJECTIVE:explore30yearsMETHODS:Classificationsmade5-yearintervalsusingMedicalSubjectHeadingsMeSHclassifiersPapersclassifiedmutuallynon-mutuallyexclusivecategoriessubjectunclassifiedvariousRESULTS:341101966650281995proportion18-21%relativelystableremarkablelong-termtemporalstabilitiesdealtchild46%adolescents45%11%studiedtogetherRegressionanalysisindicatedlinearincrease1053/yearrepresentedlargelysingle-ageespeciallyadolescenceHoweverslopemother-plus-children113/yearhigheralone64/yearClinical52%dominantdecadeCONCLUSIONS:dominancechild-relatedreflectionrestrictedoutlooksspecialistsareachangesoontendencytowardincreasingnumbersholdsResearch1966-1995

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