Polycationic peptides as prophylactic agents against methicillin-susceptible or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis vascular graft infection.

A Giacometti, O Cirioni, R Ghiselli, L Goffi, F Mocchegiani, A Riva, G Scalise, V Saba
Author Information
  1. A Giacometti: Institute of Infectious Diseases and Public Health, National Institute for Research and Therapy in the Elderly, University of Ancona, Ancona, Italy. cmalinf@popcsi.unian.it


Several polycationic peptides isolated from animals, plants, and bacterial species possess a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. A rat model was used to investigate the efficacies of two peptides, ranalexin and buforin II, in the prevention of vascular prosthetic graft infections. The effect of peptide-soaked collagen-sealed Dacron was compared to that of rifampin-soaked collagen-sealed Dacron in the rat model of graft infection caused by methicillin-susceptible rifampin-susceptible Staphylococcus epidermidis and methicillin-resistant rifampin-susceptible S. epidermidis. Graft infections were established in the back subcutaneous tissue of 240 adult male Wistar rats by implantation of 1-cm(2) Dacron prostheses, followed by topical inoculation with 2 x 10(7) CFU of S. epidermidis. The study included a control group (no graft contamination), two contaminated groups that did not receive any antibiotic prophylaxis, two contaminated groups to which perioperative intraperitoneal cefazolin prophylaxis (30 mg/kg of body weight) was administered, six contaminated groups that received a peptide- or rifampin-soaked graft, and six contaminated groups that received a peptide- or rifampin-soaked graft and perioperative intraperitoneal cefazolin prophylaxis (30 mg/kg). The grafts were sterilely removed 7 days after implantation, and the infection was evaluated by using sonication and quantitative agar culture. Overall, the efficacies of the polycationic peptides against the methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant strains were not significantly different from that of rifampin. Nevertheless, the combinations of ranalexin- and buforin II-coated grafts with cefazolin treatment demonstrated efficacies significantly higher than that of the combination of rifampin-coated grafts and cefazolin treatment against the methicillin-resistant strain.


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MeSH Term

Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides
Blood Vessel Prosthesis
Disease Models, Animal
Methicillin Resistance
Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Peptides, Cyclic
Prosthesis-Related Infections
Rats, Wistar
Staphylococcal Infections
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Surgical Wound Infection


Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides
Peptides, Cyclic
buforin II

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0graftpeptidesepidermidismethicillin-resistantcontaminatedgroupscefazolinefficaciestwoDacronrifampin-soakedinfectionmethicillin-susceptibleprophylaxisgraftspolycationicratmodelbuforinvascularinfectionscollagen-sealedrifampin-susceptibleStaphylococcusSimplantation27perioperativeintraperitoneal30mg/kgsixreceivedpeptide-significantlytreatmentSeveralisolatedanimalsplantsbacterialspeciespossessbroadspectrumantimicrobialactivityusedinvestigateranalexinIIpreventionprostheticeffectpeptide-soakedcomparedcausedGraftestablishedbacksubcutaneoustissue240adultmaleWistarrats1-cmprosthesesfollowedtopicalinoculationx10CFUstudyincludedcontrolgroupcontaminationreceiveantibioticbodyweightadministeredsterilelyremoveddaysevaluatedusingsonicationquantitativeagarcultureOverallstrainsdifferentrifampinNeverthelesscombinationsranalexin-II-coateddemonstratedhighercombinationrifampin-coatedstrainPolycationicprophylacticagents

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