[Serovar-distribution, drug-resistance, and DNA analysis of Salmonella strains isolated from sporadic diarrhea cases or healthy cases in Tama, Tokyo (1991-2000)].

R Kato, K Ogata, T Akiba, S Yamada
Author Information
  1. R Kato: Tama Branch Laboratory, Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health.


Serovar-distribution and drug-resistance of a total of 421 Salmonella strains, which were 98 stains from sporadic diarrhea cases and 323 strains from healthy cases between 1991 and 2000 in Tama, Tokyo were investigated. In serological typing tests, the strains tested were classified into 26 different kinds of serovar in diarrhea cases, 58 in food handlers, and 25 in individuals for health care. Salmonella serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) was the most predominant serovar in three cases. Following, S. Typhimurium and S. Infantis in diarrhea cases, S. Hadar, S. Montevideo and S. Thompson in food handlers, or S. Typhimurium, S. Lichfield and S. Oranienburg in healthy individuals were frequent. The drug-resistance test using 9 drugs (CP, TC, SM, KM, ABPC, SXT, NA, FOM, and NFLX) showed that 57.1% of the strains from diarrhea cases and 36.8% from the healthy cases were resistant to one or the other of the drugs examined. Drug-resistance patterns of those showed 13 types in diarrhea cases and 25 types in healthy cases. Out of them, strains which showed a predominant and common pattern in both cases were SM resistant-S. Enteritidis and CP.TC.SM.ABPC resistant-S. Typhimurium. In addition, the latter strains were also resistant to sulfiso-xzole (SU). In DNA analysis by RAPD method of their strains, common DNA finger-prints were observed in both cases through out the investigation period.

MeSH Term

DNA, Bacterial
Drug Resistance, Bacterial
Seroepidemiologic Studies


DNA, Bacterial

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0casesSstrainsdiarrheahealthydrug-resistanceSalmonellaserovarEnteritidisTyphimuriumSMshowedDNAsporadicTamaTokyofoodhandlers25individualspredominantdrugsCPTCABPCresistanttypescommonresistant-SanalysisSerovar-distributiontotal42198stains32319912000investigatedserologicaltypingteststestedclassified26differentkinds58healthcarethreeFollowingInfantisHadarMontevideoThompsonLichfieldOranienburgfrequenttestusing9KMSXTNAFOMNFLX571%368%oneexaminedDrug-resistancepatterns13patternadditionlatteralsosulfiso-xzoleSURAPDmethodfinger-printsobservedinvestigationperiod[Serovar-distributionisolated1991-2000]

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