Business plan writing for physicians.

Kenneth H Cohn, Richard W Schwartz
Author Information
  1. Kenneth H Cohn: A Practicing General Surgeon, Cambridge Management Group, MA 02138-1052, USA.


Physicians are practicing in an era in which they are often expected to write business plans in order to acquire, develop, and implement new technology or programs. This task is yet another reminder of the importance of business principles in providing quality patient care amid allocation of increasingly scarce resources. Unfortunately, few physicians receive training during medical school, residencies, or fellowships in performing such tasks. The process of writing business plans follows an established format similar to writing a consultation, in which the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a treatment option are presented. Although administrative assistance may be available in compiling business plans, it is important for physicians to understand the rationale, process, and pitfalls of business planning. Writing a business plan will serve to focus, clarify, and justify a request for scarce resources, and thus, increase its chance of success, both in terms of funding and implementation. A well-written business plan offers a plausible, coherent story of an uncertain future. Therefore, a business plan is not merely an exercise to obtain funding but also a rationale for investment that can help physicians reestablish leadership in health care.

MeSH Term

Marketing of Health Services
Policy Making
Practice Management, Medical
United States

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0businessphysiciansplanplanswritingcarescarceresourcesprocessrationalefundingPhysicianspracticingeraoftenexpectedwriteorderacquiredevelopimplementnewtechnologyprogramstaskyetanotherreminderimportanceprinciplesprovidingqualitypatientamidallocationincreasinglyUnfortunatelyreceivetrainingmedicalschoolresidenciesfellowshipsperformingtasksfollowsestablishedformatsimilarconsultationrisksbenefitsalternativestreatmentoptionpresentedAlthoughadministrativeassistancemayavailablecompilingimportantunderstandpitfallsplanningWritingwillservefocusclarifyjustifyrequestthusincreasechancesuccesstermsimplementationwell-writtenoffersplausiblecoherentstoryuncertainfutureThereforemerelyexerciseobtainalsoinvestmentcanhelpreestablishleadershiphealthBusiness

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