Sputnik: a database platform for comparative plant genomics.
Stephen Rudd, Hans-Werner Mewes, Klaus F X Mayer
Author Information
Stephen Rudd: Institute for Bioinformatics (MIPS), GSF National Research Center for Environment and Health, Ingolstädter Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg, Germany. s.rudd@gsf.de
Two million plant ESTs, from 20 different plant species, and totalling more than one 1000 Mbp of DNA sequence, represents a formidable transcriptomic resource. Sputnik uses the potential of this sequence resource to fill some of the information gap in the un-sequenced plant genomes and to serve as the foundation for in silicio comparative plant genomics. The complexity of the individual EST collections has been reduced using optimised EST clustering techniques. Annotation of cluster sequences is performed by exploiting and transferring information from the comprehensive knowledgebase already produced for the completed model plant genome (Arabidopsis thaliana) and by performing additional state of-the-art sequence analyses relevant to today's plant biologist. Functional predictions, comparative analyses and associative annotations for 500 000 plant EST derived peptides make Sputnik (http://mips.gsf.de/proj/sputnik/) a valid platform for contemporary plant genomics.