Fetal wound healing: current biology.

Kelli M Bullard, Michael T Longaker, H Peter Lorenz
Author Information
  1. Kelli M Bullard: Department of Surgery, Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, University of Minnesota, Mayo Mail Code 450, 420 Delaware Street SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA.


The early-gestation fetus heals dermal wounds rapidly and scarlessly. This phenomenon appears to be intrinsic to fetal skin and independent of the intrauterine environment. Unique properties of fetal cells, extracellular matrix, cytokine profile, and gene expression contribute to scarless repair. An intensive research effort has focused on unraveling the mechanisms that underlie scarless fetal wound healing in an attempt to improve the quality of healing in both children and adults.

MeSH Term

Cell Adhesion Molecules
Extracellular Matrix
Gene Expression
Genes, Homeobox
Hyaluronic Acid
Matrix Metalloproteinases
Organ Specificity
Transforming Growth Factor beta
Wound Healing


Cell Adhesion Molecules
Transforming Growth Factor beta
Hyaluronic Acid
Matrix Metalloproteinases

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0fetalscarlesswoundhealingearly-gestationfetushealsdermalwoundsrapidlyscarlesslyphenomenonappearsintrinsicskinindependentintrauterineenvironmentUniquepropertiescellsextracellularmatrixcytokineprofilegeneexpressioncontributerepairintensiveresearcheffortfocusedunravelingmechanismsunderlieattemptimprovequalitychildrenadultsFetalhealing:currentbiology

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