HIV/AIDS mortality in trends in Canada, 1987-1998.

Dena L Schanzer
Author Information
  1. Dena L Schanzer: Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, Population and Public Health Branch, Health Canada, AL.


OBJECTIVE: To monitor Canadian HIV/AIDS mortality following the introduction of antiretroviral therapies in 1996, and to compare this with the US experience.
METHODS: Deaths were extracted by underlying cause of death, age, sex, marital status and place of residence at time of death. Age-specific leading causes of death, potential years of life lost before age 65, and rates are presented.
RESULTS: HIV deaths peaked in 1995 at 1,764, representing 1% of all deaths, 15% of male deaths aged 25-44, and the second leading cause of death for males age 25-44, trailing suicides. From 1995 to 1997, HIV deaths dropped by 66% for males and 43% for females. Rates for Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal were 6 times higher than in rural areas, and 2.5 times higher than in other Census Metropolitan Areas.
CONCLUSIONS: As of 1998, HIV still was a leading cause of premature mortality. The trend in Canadian HIV mortality was similar to that in the US, though US rates remain double the Canadian rates. The drop in HIV deaths may not be sustained in the long term, as antiretroviral therapy is not a cure and the number of people living with HIV is increasing.


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MeSH Term

Anti-HIV Agents
HIV Infections
National Health Programs
United States


Anti-HIV Agents

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0HIVdeathsmortalitydeathCanadianUScauseageleadingratesHIV/AIDSantiretroviral199525-44malestimeshigherOBJECTIVE:monitorfollowingintroductiontherapies1996compareexperienceMETHODS:DeathsextractedunderlyingsexmaritalstatusplaceresidencetimeAge-specificcausespotentialyearslifelost65presentedRESULTS:peaked1764representing1%15%maleagedsecondtrailingsuicides1997dropped66%43%femalesRatesTorontoVancouverMontreal6ruralareas25CensusMetropolitanAreasCONCLUSIONS:1998stillprematuretrendsimilarthoughremaindoubledropmaysustainedlongtermtherapycurenumberpeoplelivingincreasingtrendsCanada1987-1998

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