Inadequate physician knowledge of the effects of diet on blood lipids and lipoproteins.

Mary Flynn, Christopher Sciamanna, Kevin Vigilante
Author Information
  1. Mary Flynn: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.


BACKGROUND: To assess the nutrition knowledge of physicians on the basic effects of diet on blood lipids and lipoproteins.
METHODS: Anonymous mailed dietary knowledge surveys to 6000 randomly selected physicians in the United States licensed in either Internal Medicine or Cardiology.
RESULTS: Response rate: 16% (n = 639). Half of the physicians did not know that canola oil and 26% did not know olive oil were good sources of monounsaturated fat. Ninety-three percent (84% of cardiologists vs. 96% of internists; p < 0.001) did not know that a low-fat diet, in general, would increase blood triglycerides. Approximately three-quarters (70% of cardiologists vs. 77% of internists; p < 0.01) did not know a low-fat diet would decrease HDL-c and almost half (45%) thought that a low-fat diet would not change HDL-c.
CONCLUSIONS: If physicians are to implement dietary and cholesterol management guidelines, they will likely need to become more knowledgeable about nutrition.


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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0dietphysiciansknowknowledgebloodlow-fatnutritioneffectslipidslipoproteinsdietaryoilcardiologistsvsinternistsp<0HDL-cBACKGROUND:assessbasicMETHODS:Anonymousmailedsurveys6000randomlyselectedUnitedStateslicensedeitherInternalMedicineCardiologyRESULTS:Responserate:16%n=639Halfcanola26%olivegoodsourcesmonounsaturatedfatNinety-threepercent84%96%001generalincreasetriglyceridesApproximatelythree-quarters70%77%01decreasealmosthalf45%thoughtchangeCONCLUSIONS:implementcholesterolmanagementguidelineswilllikelyneedbecomeknowledgeableInadequatephysician

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