Context in verbal short-term memory.

Bradley R Postle
Author Information
  1. Bradley R Postle: Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1696, USA.


We tested the hypothesis that stimulus-related contextual information that is incidental to task demands-an episodic code-is automatically, obligatorily encoded and stored as a part of short-term memory (STM) representations. Four experiments employed a running span task to investigate the effects of manipulating two types of contextual information: stimulus grouping and color. Three experiments established that grouping context effects are sensitive neither to volitional control nor to task difficulty and that they generalize across testing procedures (yes/no recognition and immediate serial recall). A fourth experiment demonstrated an effect of manipulating the congruity of the color of stimuli between study and test. These demonstrations of the robustness and generality of context effects in STM are consistent with the predictions of the episodic coding model of STM.


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MeSH Term

Memory, Short-Term
Middle Aged
Reaction Time

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0taskSTMeffectscontextualepisodicshort-termmemoryexperimentsmanipulatinggroupingcolorcontexttestedhypothesisstimulus-relatedinformationincidentaldemands-ancode-isautomaticallyobligatorilyencodedstoredpartrepresentationsFouremployedrunningspaninvestigatetwotypesinformation:stimulusThreeestablishedsensitiveneithervolitionalcontroldifficultygeneralizeacrosstestingproceduresyes/norecognitionimmediateserialrecallfourthexperimentdemonstratedeffectcongruitystimulistudytestdemonstrationsrobustnessgeneralityconsistentpredictionscodingmodelContextverbal

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