Sample size for detecting differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments.

Caimiao Wei, Jiangning Li, Roger E Bumgarner
Author Information
  1. Caimiao Wei: Department of Microbiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.


BACKGROUND: Microarray experiments are often performed with a small number of biological replicates, resulting in low statistical power for detecting differentially expressed genes and concomitant high false positive rates. While increasing sample size can increase statistical power and decrease error rates, with too many samples, valuable resources are not used efficiently. The issue of how many replicates are required in a typical experimental system needs to be addressed. Of particular interest is the difference in required sample sizes for similar experiments in inbred vs. outbred populations (e.g. mouse and rat vs. human).
RESULTS: We hypothesize that if all other factors (assay protocol, microarray platform, data pre-processing) were equal, fewer individuals would be needed for the same statistical power using inbred animals as opposed to unrelated human subjects, as genetic effects on gene expression will be removed in the inbred populations. We apply the same normalization algorithm and estimate the variance of gene expression for a variety of cDNA data sets (humans, inbred mice and rats) comparing two conditions. Using one sample, paired sample or two independent sample t-tests, we calculate the sample sizes required to detect a 1.5-, 2-, and 4-fold changes in expression level as a function of false positive rate, power and percentage of genes that have a standard deviation below a given percentile.
CONCLUSIONS: Factors that affect power and sample size calculations include variability of the population, the desired detectable differences, the power to detect the differences, and an acceptable error rate. In addition, experimental design, technical variability and data pre-processing play a role in the power of the statistical tests in microarrays. We show that the number of samples required for detecting a 2-fold change with 90% probability and a p-value of 0.01 in humans is much larger than the number of samples commonly used in present day studies, and that far fewer individuals are needed for the same statistical power when using inbred animals rather than unrelated human subjects.


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  1. 1P50HL07399/NHLBI NIH HHS
  2. 1U19ES011387/NIEHS NIH HHS
  3. 5U24DK058813/NIDDK NIH HHS
  4. P30 DA015625/NIDA NIH HHS
  5. U19 ES011387/NIEHS NIH HHS
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  7. P01 AI052106/NIAID NIH HHS
  8. 5P30DA015625/NIDA NIH HHS
  9. 5R01HL072370/NHLBI NIH HHS
  10. 5P01AI052106/NIAID NIH HHS
  11. R01 HL072370/NHLBI NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Biomarkers, Tumor
Carcinoma, Hepatocellular
Gene Expression Profiling
Liver Neoplasms
Mice, Inbred Strains
Models, Statistical
Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis
RNA, Neoplasm
Rats, Inbred Strains
Sample Size


Biomarkers, Tumor
RNA, Neoplasm

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0powersamplestatisticalinbredrequiredexperimentsnumberdetectinggenessizesampleshumandataexpressionreplicatesdifferentiallyexpressedfalsepositiverateserrormanyusedexperimentalsizesvspopulationsmicroarraypre-processingfewerindividualsneededusinganimalsunrelatedsubjectsgenehumanstwodetectratevariabilitydifferencesBACKGROUND:MicroarrayoftenperformedsmallbiologicalresultinglowconcomitanthighincreasingcanincreasedecreasevaluableresourcesefficientlyissuetypicalsystemneedsaddressedparticularinterestdifferencesimilaroutbredegmouseratRESULTS:hypothesizefactorsassayprotocolplatformequalopposedgeneticeffectswillremovedapplynormalizationalgorithmestimatevariancevarietycDNAsetsmiceratscomparingconditionsUsingonepairedindependentt-testscalculate15-2-4-foldchangeslevelfunctionpercentagestandarddeviationgivenpercentileCONCLUSIONS:Factorsaffectcalculationsincludepopulationdesireddetectableacceptableadditiondesigntechnicalplayroletestsmicroarraysshow2-foldchange90%probabilityp-value001muchlargercommonlypresentdaystudiesfarratherSample

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