ChickVD: a sequence variation database for the chicken genome.

Jing Wang, Ximiao He, Jue Ruan, Mingtao Dai, Jie Chen, Yong Zhang, Yafeng Hu, Chen Ye, Shengting Li, Lijuan Cong, Lin Fang, Bin Liu, Songgang Li, Jian Wang, David W Burt, Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Jun Yu, Huanming Yang, Jun Wang
Author Information
  1. Jing Wang: College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China.


Working in parallel with the efforts to sequence the chicken (Gallus gallus) genome, the Beijing Genomics Institute led an international team of scientists from China, USA, UK, Sweden, The Netherlands and Germany to map extensive DNA sequence variation throughout the chicken genome by sampling DNA from domestic breeds. Using the Red Jungle Fowl genome sequence as a reference, we identified 3.1 million non-redundant DNA sequence variants. To facilitate the application of our data to avian genetics and to provide a foundation for functional and evolutionary studies, we created the 'chicken Variation Database' (ChickVD). A graphical MapView shows variants mapped onto the chicken genome in the context of gene annotations and other features, including genetic markers, trait loci, cDNAs, chicken orthologs of human disease genes and raw sequence traces. ChickVD also stores information on quantitative trait loci using data from collaborating institutions and public resources. Our data can be queried by search engine and homology-based BLAST searches. ChickVD is publicly accessible at


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MeSH Term

Databases, Nucleic Acid
Genetic Variation
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
User-Computer Interface

Links to CNCB-NGDC Resources

Database Commons: DBC001176 (ChickVD)

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0sequencechickengenomeDNAdataChickVDvariationvariantstraitlociWorkingparalleleffortsGallusgallusBeijingGenomicsInstituteledinternationalteamscientistsChinaUSAUKSwedenNetherlandsGermanymapextensivethroughoutsamplingdomesticbreedsUsingRedJungleFowlreferenceidentified31millionnon-redundantfacilitateapplicationaviangeneticsprovidefoundationfunctionalevolutionarystudiescreated'ChickenVariationDatabase'graphicalMapViewshowsmappedontocontextgeneannotationsfeaturesincludinggeneticmarkerscDNAsorthologshumandiseasegenesrawtracesalsostoresinformationquantitativeusingcollaboratinginstitutionspublicresourcescanqueriedsearchenginehomology-basedBLASTsearchespubliclyaccessiblehttp://chickengenomicsorgcnChickVD:database

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