Information technology in the future of health care.

Myron Hatcher, Irene Heetebry
Author Information
  1. Myron Hatcher: Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Craig School of Business, California State University, Fresno, California 93740, USA.


Technology advances have changed the face of health care. This paradigm shift blurred the boundaries between public health, acute care, and prevention. Technology's role in the diagnosis, treatment assignment, follow-ups, and prevention will be reviewed and future impact projected. The understanding of shift in our expectation for each aspect of health care is critical so that levels of success are understood. Technology advances in health care delivery will be discussed. Specific applications are presented and explained and future trends discussed. Four applications are defined, and related to categories of technologies and their attributes.


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MeSH Term

Artificial Intelligence
Computers, Handheld
Delivery of Health Care
Medical Informatics
Medical Records Systems, Computerized
Technology Assessment, Biomedical

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0healthcarefutureTechnologyadvancesshiftpreventionwilldiscussedapplicationschangedfaceparadigmblurredboundariespublicacuteTechnology'srolediagnosistreatmentassignmentfollow-upsreviewedimpactprojectedunderstandingexpectationaspectcriticallevelssuccessunderstooddeliverySpecificpresentedexplainedtrendsFourdefinedrelatedcategoriestechnologiesattributesInformationtechnology

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