- P Minini: Laboratoire Glaxo-Smith-Kline, Unité Méthodologie et Biostatistique, 100, route de Versailles, 78163 Marly-le-Roi.
BACKGROUND: In longitudinal studies, it is extremely rare that all the planned measurements are actually performed. Missing data are often consecutive to drop-outs, but may also be intermittent. In both cases, the analysis of incomplete data necessarily requires assumptions that are generally unverifiable, and the need for sensitivity analyses has been advocated over the past few years. In this article, the attention will be given to longitudinal binary data.
METHODS: A method is proposed, which is based on a log-linear model. A sensitivity parameter is introduced that represents the relationship between the response mechanism and the missing data mechanism. It is recommended not to estimate this parameter, but to consider a range of plausible values, and to estimate the parameters of interest conditionally on these plausible values. This allows to assess the sensitivity of the conclusion of a study to various assumptions regarding the missing data mechanism.
RESULTS: This method was applied to a randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of two treatment regimens in patients with persistent asthma. The sensitivity analysis showed that the conclusion of this study was robust to missing data.