ShiBASE: an integrated database for comparative genomics of Shigella.

Jian Yang, Lihong Chen, Jun Yu, Lilian Sun, Qi Jin
Author Information
  1. Jian Yang: State Key Laboratory for Molecular Virology and Genetic Engineering, Beijing 100176, China.


Among the major enteric bacterial pathogens, Shigella is found to display extreme genome diversity and dynamics, which imposes a challenge in comparative genomic studies. To facilitate further studies in this area, we have constructed an integrated online database, ShiBASE (,which contains Shigella genomic sequences of four species and additional comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) data of 43 serotypes. ShiBASE offers online comparative analysis on DNA sequences, gene orders, metabolic pathways and virulence factors. In addition, ShiBASE has a newly developed online comparative visualization service, Shi-align, which enables the alignment of any query sequence with the reference genome sequences.


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MeSH Term

Databases, Nucleic Acid
Genome, Bacterial
Sequence Alignment
User-Computer Interface

Links to CNCB-NGDC Resources

Database Commons: DBC001567 (ShiBASE)

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0comparativeShigellagenomiconlineShiBASEsequencesgenomestudiesintegrateddatabaseAmongmajorentericbacterialpathogensfounddisplayextremediversitydynamicsimposeschallengefacilitateareaconstructedhttp://wwwmgcaccn/ShiBASE/containsfourspeciesadditionalhybridizationCGHdata43serotypesoffersanalysisDNAgeneordersmetabolicpathwaysvirulencefactorsadditionnewlydevelopedvisualizationserviceShi-alignenablesalignmentquerysequencereferenceShiBASE:genomics

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