Simulation training in video-assisted urologic surgery.
András Hoznek, Laurent Salomon, Alexandre de la Taille, René Yiou, Dimitrios Vordos, Stéphane Larre, Clément-Claude Abbou
Author Information
András Hoznek: Service d'Urologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Henri Mondor, Université Paris XII, 51. Av;du Ml. De Lattre de Tassigny, 94010 Créteil-cedex, France.
The current system of surgical education is facing many challenges in terms of time efficiency, costs, and patient safety. Training using simulation is an emerging area, mostly based on the experience of other high-risk professions like aviation. The goal of simulation-based training in surgery is to develop not only technical but team skills. This learning environment is stress-free and safe, allows standardization and tailoring of training, and also objectively evaluate performances. The development of simulation training is straightforward in endourology, since these procedures are video-assisted and the low degree of freedom of the instruments is easily replicated. On the other hand, these interventions necessitate a long learning curve, training in the operative room is especially costly and risky. Many models are already in use or under development in all fields of video-assisted urologic surgery: ureteroscopy, percutaneous surgery, transurethral resection of the prostate, and laparoscopy. Although bench models are essential, simulation increasingly benefits from the achievements and development of computer technology. Still in its infancy, virtual reality simulation will certainly belong to tomorrow's teaching tools.
N Engl J Med. 1958 Apr 3;258(14):671-7
[PMID: 13526920]