[Training and information for coordinators].

G Ablondi
Author Information
  1. G Ablondi: Politecnico di Milano, Italy.


The formation and the information, announced by the mother directive and recepiti with the legislative decree 626/94, they are essential actions that the employer has to put the prevention of the accidents and the professional illnesses towards the workers into effect. They are fundamental elements for the safety and the health on the places of job, the formation and the information they bring the inherent dangers to the knowledge of the worker in the duty that has to develop, in the useful technologies to the productive trial and the place where the productive trial is in action. Transferring to the sector of the constructions the formation and the information that the employer has to guarantee is immediately thought about the workers that realize the work and that youlthey can result then object of accidents and job illnesses. The directive yards 92/57CEE and subsequently the D.Lgs 494/96 involve the subjects that with their decisions, their actions, consequent to evaluations and choices operational respect the work to be realized they condition the safety. The subjects that they compile the safety plan and coordination with their formation and they manage the safety in the executive phase are the coordinators. Necessary is the formation of subjects that with theirs to act and their choices could condition the safety of other interactive subjects in the phases of job that characterize the work, therefore it is fundamental to individualize the necessary components to their formation.

MeSH Term

Accidents, Occupational
Information Services
Occupational Diseases
Occupational Health
Organization and Administration

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0formationsafetyinformationsubjectsjobworkdirectiveactionsemployeraccidentsillnessesworkersfundamentalproductivetrialchoicesconditionannouncedmotherrecepitilegislativedecree626/94essentialputpreventionprofessionaltowardseffectelementshealthplacesbringinherentdangersknowledgeworkerdutydevelopusefultechnologiesplaceactionTransferringsectorconstructionsguaranteeimmediatelythoughtrealizeyoultheycanresultobjectyards92/57CEEsubsequentlyDLgs494/96involvedecisionsconsequentevaluationsoperationalrespectrealizedcompileplancoordinationmanageexecutivephasecoordinatorsNecessaryactinteractivephasescharacterizethereforeindividualizenecessarycomponents[Trainingcoordinators]

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