- G Gotti: Building & Environment Science & Technology B.E.S.T, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
We need an adequate quality level of information between the building design and manufacturing process for Health and Safety in the work site. A fully-developed communication system is needed, for H&S Coordinators, in order to integrate alphanumerical and graphical protocols. The Aim is: (1) to organise information on the building process, keeping communications in function of everyone's needs; (2) to carry out an audit process ensuring that all levels of contractors personnel are implementing the Project of Health and Safety Management Plan effectively; (3) To make all that with a Program Interface relatively simple. The synergy between Safety Manager and Designers generates a system output integrating all sorts of alphanumerical, graphical information and prescriptions. This system output has several targets: (1) to integrate Design and H&S in a specific Data-Base; (2) to define the preconditions of the work phases; (3) to develop the Work Program of Enterprise in function of the Health and Safety Plan in compliance with the contractor site-specific plan; (4) to develop a program process for the audit; (5) to review the contractor's Project for H & S; (6) to manage responsibility; (7) to keep corrective action.