Opening the doors: building brand awareness.

Judith John, Rob McCartney
Author Information
  1. Judith John: Communications and Marketing, Mount Sinai.


In search of a credible and cost-effective way to promote Mount Sinai Hospital (Mount Sinai) and educate a broad public, Mount Sinai opened its doors wide to The Globe and Mail (The Globe). The result was a three-part national feature series that told Mount Sinai's compelling story, provided third-party credibility and confirmed the value of proactive media relations. The series engaged our staff, energized our volunteers and reached both stakeholders and the general public on an emotional level. It also generated the more than dollars 6 million worth of equivalent advertising space it would have required for Mount Sinai to reach this national audience.

MeSH Term

Hospitals, Public
Marketing of Health Services
National Health Programs
Organizational Case Studies
Persuasive Communication

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0MountSinaipublicGlobenationalseriessearchcrediblecost-effectivewaypromoteHospitaleducatebroadopeneddoorswideMailresultthree-partfeaturetoldSinai'scompellingstoryprovidedthird-partycredibilityconfirmedvalueproactivemediarelationsengagedstaffenergizedvolunteersreachedstakeholdersgeneralemotionallevelalsogenerateddollars6millionworthequivalentadvertisingspacerequiredreachaudienceOpeningdoors:buildingbrandawareness

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