Ashbya Genome Database 3.0: a cross-species genome and transcriptome browser for yeast biologists.

Alexandre Gattiker, Riccarda Rischatsch, Philippe Demougin, Sylvia Voegeli, Fred S Dietrich, Peter Philippsen, Michael Primig
Author Information
  1. Alexandre Gattiker: Biozentrum & Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Klingelbergstrasse 50-70, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland.


BACKGROUND: The Ashbya Genome Database (AGD) 3.0 is an innovative cross-species genome and transcriptome browser based on release 40 of the Ensembl developer environment.
DESCRIPTION: AGD 3.0 provides information on 4726 protein-encoding loci and 293 non-coding RNA genes present in the genome of the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii. A synteny viewer depicts the chromosomal location and orientation of orthologous genes in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genome-wide expression profiling data obtained with high-density oligonucleotide microarrays (GeneChips) are available for nearly all currently annotated protein-coding loci in A. gossypii and S. cerevisiae.
CONCLUSION: AGD 3.0 hence provides yeast- and genome biologists with comprehensive report pages including reliable DNA annotation, Gene Ontology terms associated with S. cerevisiae orthologues and RNA expression data as well as numerous links to external sources of information. The database is accessible at


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MeSH Term

Databases, Genetic
Genome, Fungal
Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis
Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Links to CNCB-NGDC Resources

Database Commons: DBC001166 (AGD)

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.03genomeAshbyaAGD0cerevisiaeGenomeDatabasecross-speciestranscriptomebrowserprovidesinformationlociRNAgenesgossypiiyeastexpressiondataSbiologistsBACKGROUND:innovativebasedrelease40EnsembldeveloperenvironmentDESCRIPTION:4726protein-encoding293non-codingpresentfilamentousfungussyntenyviewerdepictschromosomallocationorientationorthologousbuddingSaccharomycesGenome-wideprofilingobtainedhigh-densityoligonucleotidemicroarraysGeneChipsavailablenearlycurrentlyannotatedprotein-codingCONCLUSION:henceyeast-comprehensivereportpagesincludingreliableDNAannotationGeneOntologytermsassociatedorthologueswellnumerouslinksexternalsourcesdatabaseaccessiblehttp://agdvital-itch/0:

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