- Kelly Donkers Ainsworth: McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. kelly.ainsworth@learnlink.mcmaster.ca
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compile an inventory of the strategies most frequently used by Ontario chiropractors in their efforts to maximize patient compliance to prescribed home exercise.
DESIGN: The design consisted of a cross-sectional self-report web-based survey of Ontario chiropractors.
PARTICIPANTS: Eligible participants consisted of chiropractors in active practice in Ontario (treating, on average, at least 1 patient per week) and prescribing home exercises at least once in the last 30 days.
RESULTS: The compliance strategies used most frequently by Ontario chiropractors were: keeping instructions simple (82%, 95% CI = 75-90%); motivating patients by explaining exercises in a positive and enthusiastic manner (81%, 95% CI = 74-89%); giving patients encouragement, support and praise (80%, 95% CI = 72-88%); prescribing exercises that require low-cost equipment (70%, 95% CI = 61-78%); and supplying patients with material that helps demonstrate the exercises (62%, 95% CI = 53-71%) and educating patients by discussing the importance of and benefits to exercise (62%, 95% CI = 53-71%).
CONCLUSION: There appeared to be respondent consensus on the main compliance strategies used by Ontario chiropractors. Now that we have a current listing.