A web-based Alcohol Clinical Training (ACT) curriculum: is in-person faculty development necessary to affect teaching?

Daniel P Alford, Jessica M Richardson, Sheila E Chapman, Catherine E Dubé, Robert W Schadt, Richard Saitz
Author Information
  1. Daniel P Alford: Clinical Addiction Research and Education (CARE) Unit, Section of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA. dalford@bu.edu


BACKGROUND: Physicians receive little education about unhealthy alcohol use and as a result patients often do not receive efficacious interventions. The objective of this study is to evaluate whether a free web-based alcohol curriculum would be used by physician educators and whether in-person faculty development would increase its use, confidence in teaching and teaching itself.
METHODS: Subjects were physician educators who applied to attend a workshop on the use of a web-based curriculum about alcohol screening and brief intervention and cross-cultural efficacy. All physicians were provided the curriculum web address. Intervention subjects attended a 3-hour workshop including demonstration of the website, modeling of teaching, and development of a plan for using the curriculum. All subjects completed a survey prior to and 3 months after the workshop.
RESULTS: Of 20 intervention and 13 control subjects, 19 (95%) and 10 (77%), respectively, completed follow-up. Compared to controls, intervention subjects had greater increases in confidence in teaching alcohol screening, and in the frequency of two teaching practices - teaching about screening and eliciting patient health beliefs. Teaching confidence and teaching practices improved significantly in 9 of 10 comparisons for intervention, and in 0 comparisons for control subjects. At follow-up 79% of intervention but only 50% of control subjects reported using any part of the curriculum (p = 0.20).
CONCLUSION: In-person training for physician educators on the use of a web-based alcohol curriculum can increase teaching confidence and practices. Although the web is frequently used for dissemination, in-person training may be preferable to effect widespread teaching of clinical skills like alcohol screening and brief intervention.


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  1. R25 AA013822/NIAAA NIH HHS
  2. R25 AA13822/NIAAA NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Clinical Competence
Data Collection
Education, Medical, Continuing
Faculty, Medical
Mass Screening
Models, Educational
Pilot Projects
Prospective Studies

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0teachingalcoholcurriculuminterventionsubjectsuseweb-basedconfidencescreeningphysicianeducatorsin-persondevelopmentworkshopcontrolpracticesreceivewhetherusedfacultyincreasebriefwebusingcompleted2010follow-upcomparisons0trainingBACKGROUND:PhysicianslittleeducationunhealthyresultpatientsoftenefficaciousinterventionsobjectivestudyevaluatefreeitselfMETHODS:Subjectsappliedattendcross-culturalefficacyphysiciansprovidedaddressInterventionattended3-hourincludingdemonstrationwebsitemodelingplansurveyprior3monthsRESULTS:131995%77%respectivelyComparedcontrolsgreaterincreasesfrequencytwo-elicitingpatienthealthbeliefsTeachingimprovedsignificantly979%50%reportedpartp=CONCLUSION:In-personcanAlthoughfrequentlydisseminationmaypreferableeffectwidespreadclinicalskillslikeAlcoholClinicalTrainingACTcurriculum:necessaryaffectteaching?

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