Feeding and eating behaviors in children with autism and typically developing children.

Yolanda Martins, Robyn L Young, Danielle C Robson
Author Information
  1. Yolanda Martins: School of Psychology, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, 5001, Australia. ymartins@gmail.com


Mothers of children aged 2-12 years completed an exhaustive questionnaire assessing feeding and eating behaviors for both themselves and their children with autism, and typically developing siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (where available), or typically developing children with no sibling with a disability. Results indicate that children with autism were only marginally more likely to exhibit picky eating behavior (overall style) than their siblings or matched typically developing children. Rates of ritualistic feeding behaviors were equivalent in all groups of children although children with autism were more likely to be currently exhibiting problematic eating and feeding behaviors. The implications of these results for the treatment of feeding difficulties exhibited by children with autism will be discussed.


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MeSH Term

Autistic Disorder
Child Behavior
Child Development
Feeding Behavior

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0childrenautismfeedingeatingbehaviorstypicallydevelopingsiblingslikelyMothersaged2-12yearscompletedexhaustivequestionnaireassessingAutismSpectrumDisorderavailablesiblingdisabilityResultsindicatemarginallyexhibitpickybehavioroverallstylematchedRatesritualisticequivalentgroupsalthoughcurrentlyexhibitingproblematicimplicationsresultstreatmentdifficultiesexhibitedwilldiscussedFeeding

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