Antifungal activity of 25-azalanosterol against Candida species.

J Wang, J Wu
Author Information
  1. J Wang: College of Life Science and Technology, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, 030006, People's Republic of China.


The antifungal properties of 25-azalanosterol was investigated. Compared to normal antifungal reagents, fluoconazole, clotrimazole and voriconazole, it exhibited significant anti-Candida activity (the minimum inhibitory concentration [MIC] ranges were 0.125-8, 0.5-8 and 0.5-32 microg/mL against C. albicans, C. krusei and C. glabrata, respectively), but showed little toxicity to mice liver cells at clinical dosage after 24 h of exposure, with the lowest lactate dehydrogenase and the highest ED(50) compared to four other azoles antifungal agents. 25-Azalanosterol inhibited the incorporation of [methyl-(3)H(3)] AdoMet into the C-24 of ergosterol in whole cells of C. albicans. Thus, 25-azalanosterol, as an inhibitor of the growth of C. albicans in vitro, may have considerable potential as a new class of anti-Candida agent that lacks toxic side effects in the mammalian host.


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MeSH Term

Antifungal Agents
Cell Line
Inhibitory Concentration 50
Microbial Sensitivity Tests


Antifungal Agents

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Cantifungal25-azalanosterol0albicansanti-Candidaactivitycells3propertiesinvestigatedComparednormalreagentsfluoconazoleclotrimazolevoriconazoleexhibitedsignificantminimuminhibitoryconcentration[MIC]ranges125-85-85-32microg/mLkruseiglabratarespectivelyshowedlittletoxicitymiceliverclinicaldosage24hexposurelowestlactatedehydrogenasehighestED50comparedfourazolesagents25-Azalanosterolinhibitedincorporation[methyl-H]AdoMetC-24ergosterolwholeThusinhibitorgrowthvitromayconsiderablepotentialnewclassagentlackstoxicsideeffectsmammalianhostAntifungalCandidaspecies

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